homework #4

Deadline: 2019-11-18 at 4pm
To submit your work, add samorso and irudnyts as collaborators to your private GitHub repo.
We will grade only the latest files prior to the deadline. Any ulterior modifications are pointless.

The objectives of this homework assignment are the followings:

  • Build your own R packages
  • Create and develop an interactive Shiny web-application

To begin with, create a (preferably private) GitHub repository for your group, and name it ptds2019hw4. Once again, make sure to add samorso and irudnyts as collaborators. This project must be done using GitHub and respect the following requirements:

  • All members of the group must commit at least once.
  • All commit messages must be reasonably clear and meaningful.
  • Your GitHub repository must include at least one issue containing some form of TO DO list.

Problem 0: modify find_pi from Homework #3

In this problem we simplify the find_pi function in order to have two separated functions for simulation and vizualization (plotting) of simulated results. A nicely designed function should do one coherent action at a time. Further, the name of a function should be self-explanatrory, that is a user should be able to guess what function does by its name.

  • (a) The function find_pi should do exactly one action, that is estimate $\pi$. Therefore, we need to introduce the following modifications:

    • Rename find_pi to estimate_pi
    • Remove make_plot argument and the code chunk to plot the chart

    The function estimate_pi should return both the estimated value of $\pi$ and simulated points. The simulated points will be used for plotting afterwards, therefore, it makes sense to store them in a data frame with three columns: x, y, and a logical column inside (TRUE if a point inside a circle, and FALSE otherwise).

    As long as we need to return two objects, we keep them as elements of a list. Also, using S3 methodology, we assign a class pi to this list (to dispatch a plot method).

Incorporating these modifications, the function will look as follows:

  estimate_pi <- function(B = 5000, seed = 10) {

      # set a seed

      # simulate B points
      points <- data.frame(
          x = runif(n = B, min = -1, max = 1),
          y = runif(n = B, min = -1, max = 1),
          inside = rep(NA, B)

      # your loop goes here
      # ...

      # create a new list
      rval <- list(
          estimated_pi = estimated_pi,
          points = points

      # assign pi class to rval
      class(rval) <- "pi"

      # return rval

  • (b) Now, we can initialize the function to visualize our simulation. The function should take a returned value of estimate_pi as the argument, and produce a plot based on points element of such object:

    plot.pi <- function(x) {
      points <- x[["points"]]
      # plot points

Note that this function returns nothing, but plots a chart. To call this function you can simply use plot(x), where x is a result of the function estimate_pi.

  • bonus

Validate arguments in each function, for instance, make sure that B and seed are positive and integer numbers, etc.

Problem 1: build an R package

In this problem, we simply wrap these function into a shape of a package.

  • Create a package ptds2019hw4gN (where N is your group number) in RStudio: File -> New Project… -> New Directory -> R Package. Do not forget to check the box “Create a git repository”.

  • Record your changes and commit by git add --all and git commit -m "Initialize the structure of the package.". You can use build-in RStudio toolbar instead of Shell commands.

  • Everything what we have done so far are local changes on your computer. Now we need to create a new GitHub repo ptds2019hw4gN (where N is your group number) and synchronize it with your local git repo by:

    git remote add origin git@github.com:YOURUSERNAME/ptds2019hw4gN.git
    git push -u origin master

where YOURUSERNAME is your GitHub username and N is the group number.

  • Copy the function estimate_pi() and plot.pi() from the previous problem into file pi.R in \R folder. Commit.

  • Document the function estimate_pi and plot.pi using roxygen2 comments. Use devtools::document() to generate help files afterwards. Do not forget to specify @export in roxygen2 comments to export functions into NAMESPACE (make it visible outside the package). Commit.

  • Fill in the DESCRIPTION file. Commit.

  • Clean up the auto-generated file hello.R and hello.Rd, from \R and \man, respectively. Commit.

  • Remove NAMESPACE file, since it was not auto-generated by roxygen2 (and, therefore, prevents roxygen2 to overwrite NAMESPACE). Then, evoke the command devtools::document() to generate it. Commit.

At the end of each step, please, do not forget to commit with a clear message.

Note if you use ggplot2, you have to specify it in DESCRIPTION file in the section Imports. To use the function from ggplot2, you have to specify its namespace, that is use ggplot2::ggplot() instead of ggplot().

You can also check yourself at this step, if everything works well. You need to Install and Restart (in Build tab) and try to run estimate_pi(), as well as look at the help file by ?estimate_pi.

Problem 2: Shiny App

Now we compliment the package with a Shiny app, so that a user can have an interactive interface to play around with the functionality of the package. The core function of the package, estimate_pi, has two inputs: the argument seed and the argument B (the number of simulations). We want to allow the user to choose the values of both, as well as select the function that will produce simulations. The result of the app should be the estimated value of $\pi$, the time spent on simulations, and finally, the plot of points in/out of the circle. Therefore, the interface should have:

  • A side bar of the following elements:

    • A numeric input of the seed
    • A slider for a number of simulations that goes from 1 to 1000000
  • A main panel of the following elements:

    • A plot
    • A text with the value of estimated $pi$
    • A text with the time of the execution (use function system.time to measure)

Below a step-by-step instruction is presented:

  • Add shiny package in DESCRIPTION file into the section Imports:

      shiny (>= 1.4.0)
  • Create a folder inst\shiny-examples in a package directory (i.e., inst folder at top level, and shiny-examples inside inst).

  • Click File -> New File -> Shiny Web App. Call the app as pi, select “Application type:” being “Multiple File (ui.R/server.R)”, and then navigate “Create within directory:” to newly created shiny-examples. Commit.

  • Modify ui.R according to the mentioned above specification. The file would look like:

      titlePanel("Pi Estimation"),
              selectInput("method", ...),
              numericInput("seed", ...),
              sliderInput("B", ...)

where "method", "seed", "B" are inputID’s; and "plot", "time", and "pi" are outputId’s. Insert your code instead of ....

Hint: see help ?selectInput, ?numericInput, and ?sliderInput to figure out what should replace ....

  • Modify server.R. Here we need to define a reactive expression (simulate in the chunk below), which will be executed whenever widgets are changed. This reactive depends on the values from input list with inputID elements (i.e., "method").

The output defines what will be rendered, therefore, the server.R file is as follows:


  shinyServer(function(input, output) {

      simulate <- reactive({
          # simulate pi and measure the time here

      output$plot <- renderPlot({
          # plot pi

      output$time <- renderText({
          # extract the time of the execution

      output$pi <- renderText({
          # extract the estimated value


Do not forget to change N to the number of your group.

Commit your changes.

  • Add a file runDemo.R containing the following snippet:

    #' @export
    runDemo <- function() {
      appDir <- system.file("shiny-examples", "pi", package = "ptds2019hw4gN")
      if (appDir == "") {
              "Could not find example directory. Try re-installing ptds2019hw4gN.",
              call. = FALSE
      shiny::runApp(appDir, display.mode = "normal")

Do not forget to change N to the number of your group.

Add documentation to this function using roxygen2 comments (as in Problem 1) and devtools::document(). Commit.

Phew! What a relief!